Airdrie & Coatbridge bowling Club Sharon Moncrieff 07906 329188 Email – Phd opportunity Katie MacLeod 07786 170235
Hearing Aid Clinic in Glasgow Sensory Centre 1st Tuesday of month also 3rd Thursday of month 014 276 5252 takes place at Glasgow Sensory Centre 17 Gullane Street G11 6AH
Retina UK Mark Baxter 07889 595783
Enable Works 07708 899791
Doreen Fowler message, Shettleston club contact Joyce McPherson 0141 771 9658
Report from Guide Dogs for the Blind – Tom Wright Chief Ex Guide Dogs for Blind
Alan Russell speaks to Elana McGregor BBS Chief Executive
Derek Young introduces Dunfermline Sound entry to the 1987 Tape Competition on the theme of poetry, readings by Jim Jarvie.
Jimmy Logan
From Brian West archive in 1982 when he recorded a chat with Jimmy Logan about various This is your Life Programmes he had been involved in.
Sending best wishes to David and Kay Tanner with some past chuckles from David.
Contact Brian West on 07984 918605 for magazine comment
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