Intro – John Cavanagh
Grapevine – Brian & Margaret and Wilma
Brian’s number for replacement 0141 548 1041 mobile 07957 004838
RNIB new products, contact RNIB helpline 0303 123 9999,
Message from Carrie Thould re CD Recipes ‘Meals for all Seasons’ email – mention of the passing of Margaret Gilroy
Letter Michele Murphy, Gordon Waddel and Leslie Byrne
Cobolt Double talking Air Fryer £154 telephone 01493700172
Whars On with Wilma & Brian
Brian with Information, Joyce Macpherson for information about Baillieston Club, 0141 771 9658
details of Various Music Festivals, in Glasgow, Oban, and Keith
Information regards Audio Desceiption in Local Cinema. Details of next teleconference meeting of the National Federation of the Blind Phone Douglas Gilroy on 07823 501115
Brian West Contacts
Playback contact Brian West 07984 918605
Royal Blind School at Canaan Lane
Margaret talks to Pamela Young about present school and teaching methods today, many of the pupils have additional needs, but Braille is still taught along with new technology.
Margaret & Brian with Thoughts on Visit to School
RNIB Connect Radio Award
A report from Connect Radio from Alan Russell about the Gold Award received at an event at the Theatre Royal Dury Lane. RNIB Connect Radio – station broadcasting 24/7 | RNIB | RNIB
finish with ‘June is Busting Out all Over’
Maid of the Loch restoration on Loch Lomond John and two friends visited the Maid of the Loch and spoke to Nick Allan a Director of the restoration team. With music from Kathy Kaye.
information from John regards website and information available
Gentleman’s Groom Room
Brian visits this unique shop in Dundee and talks to Iain about the grooming products for gentleman. 01382 801504
Fathers Day
Wilma with the origins and history of Fathers Day.
Finish with Sig