Derek Young with another Audio presentation from ABC HiFi in our 40th yearJohn Cavanagh looks back on 40 years of ABC AudioDynaudio Contour 20i read by Derek YoungSonos1SL & Amazon Echo Dot read by John CavanaghAudeze LCD-1 earphones read by Derek YoungLeak 130 Amp & CD Player red by John CavanaghAudio-Technica AT-OC9XEN Cartridge read by Derek YoungAudiolab 6000A amp + 6000 Streamer read by John CavanaghMarantz CD6007 Amp read by Derek Young Panasonic Hphs + QDC Blue Dragon speakers read by Derek YoungMarantz PM 6007 Amp read by DerekInvolve Audio V2 Quad decoder read by John Cavanaghfinish from Derek for the 40th year Edition
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