Playback Magazine February 2022 Number 545 February 2, 2022 by Peter Fraser Leave a Comment Introduction John Cavanagh Margaret Cowie and Brian Westnews and letters, Cue & Review for Kirkintilloch Herald and other publications0141 772 3976 bowling Sharon Moncrieff 07906 329188Email John Cavanaghextra news items Jim Bircham’s Death,Mitchell Library RUVI unit re-opens Contact Ann Hamilton 0141 287 2920 email awareness badge & Lanyards Lucy Begley – HumanwareMargret chats to Lucy from Humanware about the latest Talking Book machines using Daisy CD, USB and SD Card. Victor Reader Trek, Victor reader stratus, Also update on Magnifier and Braille equipment from Telephone Tel: 01933 415 800 email Haggeye GroupAn update on the young visually impaired people’s group, Alan Russell from RNIB Connect Radio talks to some of the groups members about the relaunch of the group in 2022Email: THANKS TO RNIB CONNECT RADIO The CorriesThe Corries were a Scottish folk group that emerged from the Scottish folk revival of the early 1960s. The group was a trio from their formation until 1966 when founder Bill Smith left the band but Roy Williamson and Ronnie Browne continued as a duo until Williamson’s death in 1990.Over the past few years at Rugby and Football internationals the tendency has been to use one of their songs as Scotland’s National Anthem, Mary McConville spoke to them back in 1983 Jennifer Purcell Professor of History – Mabel ConstandurosJennifer has written a book ‘Mother of the BBC: Mabel Constanduros and the Development of Light Entertainment on the BBC, 1925-1957. The book is one of many features we will hear about this year as BBC celebrates 100 years. John Cavanagh spoke to Jennifer from her home in USA to find out more about Mabel Constanduros. World Braille Day4th January 2022 marked the observance of the 4th World Braille Day and the 213th birth anniversary of Louis Braille. Background: i. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted the resolution A/RES/73/161 in November 2018 and proclaimed the 4th January of every year as World Braille Day.In celebration of all things Braille for World Braille Day, Connect Radio’s Toby Davey chats with Stuart Lawler, Head of Content Creation and Business Development Manager for Sight and Sound Technology Ireland to find out what Braille means to him and how he might be celebrating the life of Louis Braille on World Braille Day.Toby akso chats with blind singer Victoria Oruwari to find out what Braille means to her and how Victoria might be celebrating the life of Louis Braille on World Braille Day. THANKS TO RNIB CONNECT RADIO
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